And some more sewing finishes…

Some of you may remember that I am going back to Indonesian teaching this year. Two cultural icons of Indonesia are batik and wayang kulit, which are Javanese shadow puppets, intricately carved out of buffalo hide.

Javanese colours of batik tend to be brown and cream, two colours which do not feature in my wardrobe, but a few years ago, in Bali I found a faux batik print in blue featuring wayang kulit puppets. Like most of my random fabric purchases, I had the idea of making it into a bag someday, and it sat there for years. when the dressmaking bug hit and I had the mad notion of modifying a dress pattern into a top, this fabric seemed to be a good match for something to wear to my new-old job.


Wooohoo! I’m so pleased with how this turned out. AND I managed to put in my first invisible zipper, which wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be once I had the invisible zip foot.


Pretty darn pleased with myself…

The other finish which is not nearly so exciting but very functional is my bolster pillow case. I love having a bolster pillow (Scarlett sometimes tries to act the part but she is too wriggly) but they are not easy to find here for some reason and when you can find them, pillow cases for them don’t seem to be sold…

PillowcoverAs neither of these are quilty finishes, I shouldn’t link up with TGIFF but it is on at MR’s place this week so go take a look!

3 thoughts on “And some more sewing finishes…

  1. I love that top. I have some Batik that I’m excited to use. Do you have the pattern number and brand?

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